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The International Tang Soo Do Practitioners Association was established in 2018.
The International Tang Soo Practitioners Association was founded by Grandmaster Robert P. Leclerc, who is also the founder and owner of Leclerc's Martial Arts.
We have approximately 1,700 members training in schools in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Yes, all of our member schools teach the Art of Tang Soo Do Moo Duo Kwan. Some of our schools also teach sport karate.
Yes! Our members compete in traditional and sport karate tournaments all over the United States and throughout the world. We encourage competition for all students through our association tournament circuit and at traditional and world circuit sport karate tournaments.
Contact us to begin the conversation. You can reach us by phone at Leclerc's Martial Arts Headquarters at 845-229-8004 or through the "Contact Us" tab on this website.