The International Tang Soo Do Practitioners Association prides itself on providing an atmosphere of learning, collaboration and positive support to all members. School owners are treated with great respect, with the understanding that they bring with them a vast amount of knowledge and ideas to contribute.
We believe in training first and leading from the front with an action-oriented mindset. This ensures the promotion of Tang Soo Do Moo Duo Kwan with a well-balanced, healthy and current approach.
The ability to lead successfully comes from having sound character, so we can bring out the best in others. Our schools are supported with current curriculum to inspire and motivate students. Our schools operate with integrity.
As our membership grows, the International Tang Soo Do Practitioners Association will continue to grow - one student at a time. We will never lose site of the individuals in the Association, because everything we do is about paving the way for the next generation to have an incredible martial arts journey on their quest to become extraordinary martial artists and individuals.